vrijdag, maart 21, 2003

Majesteit, hebt u nog wat Mariniers om bij het graf van Hugo de Groot te waken ?
Want het is daaronder heel onrustig, Hugo draait zich steeds om, in zijn slaap.

* US warning: Navy will attack any hostile ship
* www.lloydslist.com

Stark warning comes as war begins, with claims of burning wells pushingup oil price, writes Tony Gray and David OslerON DAY one of the new war against Saddam Husseins Iraqi regime, the US yesterday said its naval forces will destroy any ship in the Middle East suspected of 'hostile intent', irrespective of flag.
The US Navys Maritime Liaison Office issued a notice to all shipping in the eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman and Arabian Gulf areas, that warned:
'Coalition forces are prepared to respond decisively to any hostile acts or indications of hostile intent.
'All maritime vessels or activities that are determined to be threats to coalition naval forces will be subject to defensive measures, including boarding, seizure, disabling or destruction, without regard to registry or location.'

Muziekadvies : 'Messa in Tempore Belli', (de 'Nelson' mis), Haydn.
